It really pisses me off because even though I'm really not a fan of TheHSJ (in fact I kinda don't like him) I think Gunwitch is just acting like a little child putting up a poll like that in his forum. I love it how he is so old but we have never seen much evidence that he acts LIKE A MAN.
With Gunwitch all you get is childish games. Douche on him and call him out and you get an immature response like this one.
His response is probably gonna be this:
They are trying to have a serious forum and then Gunwitch goes on and puts something stupid like that and stickies it.
Gunwitch is the biggest troll of them all.
Fucking faggot.
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Yeah... I hate the Gunwitch fanboys they will always keep him out of any community related douching.
In reality he probably has very few fanboys... and they are all people who listen or have listened to the BKRS. They are all delusional. Gunwitch is a fraud.
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Yeah he's retarded, but he's an awesome troll, needs to be here arguing with PUA Comic or something.
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Wasn't lor on the old forum too?
I most of the time still listen to the show, every now and then barry drops a good one. But they get fewer... Yuriy is stupid and boring, Atomic ist the boringness in person, and Barry repeats the same stories over and over again.
I never got why Gunwitch always was so sensitive about TheHSJ lol.
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He HATES trolls yet he is one of the biggest trolls in the community.
I've never read his MaSF archive but people say it's gigantic.
It's probably very funny seeing him douche on all of the members Jeffy style.
Also, does ANYONE have proof that Gunwitch gets girls?? Any proof AT ALL... I'm starting to doubt he even gets puss... I'm not a hater really, I just want to know.
There's only 1 picture of Gunwitch out there and it really doesn't give away ANYTHING other than he is white trash.
I get the feeling that everybody just follows and approves Gunwitch blindly bypassing the fact that he sells seduction products and scams people just as well as the rest.
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We have proof that he has 45% bodyfat from that stupid pic
That whole "biker gang" designation on that forum is beyond gay. You know Barry is very embarrassed of it, and in the old days, would have made fun of it.
Well............since gunwitch claims be be an expert on how to pickup women..........has anyone ever seen him actually do it.........and seen him do it repeatedly enough to be able to claim he knows anything?
Has anyone actually seen him do the things that he instructs guys to do in the products he sells......?
I don't know........that's why I'm asking.
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I think he brags about meeting with some pua once. I think the Guy he met with is lower on the foodchain than speer or dream.
If there were papa kho style pictures of him with female women, his credibility would skyrocket.
Why would a Guy that makes more money in one day than most of us make in three months live with his mom? He needs to come here and join the dark side.
Too bad he cannot have a legit argument with someone who English is a second language without being crushed.
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it was tokyo pua,formhandle partner but all they did was to drink a beer and talk for 60-90 minutes as i recall.
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lmao.....the fuckin guy gets owned by everyone. Even guys who aren't good at tooling people. He's like a punching bag, that's why he started his own forum
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Probably because I called him out on his bullshit on the old BK forums before.
I can't see the topic though. I'm IP banned there.
"Very nice of you dude, that topic. Laughed.
Also, you posted some of my copyrighted pictures on a forum that's meant to make a profit on your name. Right now my lawyer is making the official letters. We already got your home address from the Oregon offices.
You can remove the topic and no action will be undertaken, but if you keep it up, i'll make sure the forum thats placed under your name will be taken from you, including all the little things you still have.
Kind regards,"